Hybrid Striped Bass
Farm prospective of Hybrid Stripped Bass
Hybrid Bass are a strong fast swimming fish that move in toward pellet feed in large numbers. They have a relatively small mouth that reduces cannibalizing and leaves large brim for continued reproduction. They are extremely sensitive to low PH and low Oxygen events. Most good fish haulers treat them very carefully. Our fish originate from white bass {from Tennessee) that is strip-spawned with a Chesapeake Stripped Bass in late April. Hybrid Bass reach 1.25 lbs. in 14 months in intense farm production ponds. The value of food size Hybrid Stripped Bass has increased in the past few years to over $4.00 a pound wholesale; which has driven our farm into increased production. Like all game fish they tend to eat each other if they are not on grade. Careful attention toward pond PH (7.0 or greater)must be made prior to stocking.
Hybrid Stripped Bass Links
NC State/aquaculture
Msstate Hybrid Stripped Bass
Ohio State fishing info
Hybrid Bass Pics
Wikipedia Hybrid Stripped Bass Links